
"This is the soundtrack he chose for the first poem he wrote for me in May" (2019)


"Clive always loved to share music, so here goes, enjoy!"


Bowie featured large in Clive's life. "This may seem a strange choice but I remember it playing when we were teenagers in Doynton and Clive's look at the time which was 80's Bowie."


"Clive's love of the Beatles started one Christmas with the cassette of 20 Greatest Hits, I think he wore it out."


"We gotta have some Dylan in there!"


"He bought me this CD more than a decade ago. We listened to it as we drove North last month." (October 2019)


"And in that song there is of course that reference to old cinema, very Clive"


"Clive wrote me a poem he called 'Moonshine and Stars Shot with a Carrot (Fairy Overture)' Spratleys Japs 'Cabinet' was the backing track"


"Clive used this as the backing for the last poem he wrote for me. He called it 'Revolutionary You'."


"An absolute face of Clive's. Mine too. And sadly fitting. RIP brother Clive. Xx"


"Him and Jamie loved Bowie. Clive was the thin white Duke and Jamie was the manboy who fell to earth 🌏"


"Another of Clive's top 10 songs Xx"


"We have forgotten Prog Rock, Clive liked Yes (think he saw them live twice), he saw Asia with me in Frome and loved Genesis. For the last eighteen months he would tell me that the latest remix of 'Duke' had lost depth and that next time I came over he was going to play both the new version to the old so I could hear it myself."


"Clive was very David Essex. We sang this sometimes and said we'd take to the road in a gypsy caravan, living on nuts, berries and the occasional roast hedgehog..."


"Yeah Clive had an interesting relationship with David Essex as liked his music but willing to send him up at a moments notice."


"Oh yea. Clive loved this..🤩"


"When Clive played me this we both got all emotional, but remembering it with a smile. Also loved his Michael Jackson dancing , it was pretty special to say the least xx"




"This album was Clive's first introduction to Mr Essex."


"Ok, so this is a specific track that Clive played to me a couple of times. Apologies for the swearing and offensiveness, but it can be funny, quirky and funky too. From an album that's an oddity and rarity, The Black Album, but that's the thing having a friend whose a music fan with obsessive tendancies, they really dig deep into a back catalogue, and have much interesting knowledge to share. 🙂

Anyway, I have held off lifting the lid on the subject of Clive and music because it's a big one for me. He and I shared a LOT of stuff over the years, as have many of us, of course. We introduced music to each other, listened and shared likes and dislikes, and went to a lot of gigs (John Cale, Hazel O'Connor, Mogwai, Melt Banana, Goldie Lookin' Chain, Psychic TV amongst others, often with other friends too. Shout out to you if you were there!)

For example, Me, China and Clive had a great night on the Thekla 2 or 3 years ago, watching some cool and funny metal bands. To be fair, he wasn't dancing so much that night, haha! But it was different and we had a lot of fun. And then you can go right back: there were the raves at Easton Community Centre and Club 19 on Stapleton Road, in the 90s. And, confession alert, the full-on house parties we had in the house at Greenbank. Oh yes! Invited DJs, UV lighting, immersive decor, the legendary Fish Party, we did the lot! Apologies to Janet, but we always made sure the house was ok; and the police only turned up once, to ask us to turn it down, when neighbours complained about the noise. Oops! But yeah, Clive was there, part of our big friendship group, at many of these things. Anyway, that's the surface scratched, and a couple of cats out of the bag. Thanks for letting me share. 🤟🤟🎼🎼🎸🎸🎹🎹🎷🎷🎤🎤💿💿🎉🎉"


"Cardiacs, Shonen Knife, Gary Numan. Saw these bands live with Clive as well."


"Shonen Knife: who from Clive I learnt were one of Kurt Cobain's favourite bands."


"This a song Clive played to me once. He also took a liking to and was consequently given a toy dog on wheels (baby walker) which had belonged to my sister and my children who had outgrown it. I was a bit off my rocker at the time and probably wasn't good for him and since leaving Bristol some years ago have not kept in touch. I have thought about Clive a lot over the years and I am deeply saddened by the loss. Condolences to his family and others that were close to Clive."




"I remember that baby walker! Thanks for sharing x"


"Another fave of Clives."
